Acne Kit

Acne Kit

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The Acne Kit was created to provide specific nutrient support to reduce hormonal acne (as seen in estrogen dominance, testosterone excess, and PCOS), reduce inflammation in the skin with high dose omega 3s, support the gut-skin axis and healthy skin microbiome with a high quality probiotic, and support skin cellular turnover to reduce hyperpigmentation.* 

The Acne Kit pairs exceptionally well with our Period Solutions Kit.

Who Should Use the Acne Kit?

The Acne Kit was created to support clear, healthy, acne-free skin from the inside out.* 



Take 1 AM pack every morning with food. Take 1 bedtime pack at bedtime with or without food. 


Contents (AM Pack):

Omega Pure 780is International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS) five-star certified, which assures the highest level of purity, stability, and potency in fish oils. Each fish-gelatin–based softgel provides 780 mg of EPA and DHA. The softgels are covered with a GRAS-certified enteric coating so that they are easy to swallow and the EPA/DHA content is optimally absorbed. EPA and DHA from fish oil promote wellness by supporting cardiovascular health, cytokine balance, joint health, and brain and nervous system function.* Learn more here

XenoProtXis a comprehensive formula designed to support phase I and phase II liver detoxification of environmental pollutants, endocrine disruptors, estrogen metabolites, xenoestrogens, and other toxins. XenoProtX also supports antioxidant activity throughout the detoxification process. Micronutrients, phytonutrients, and activated cofactors provide additional support for energy production, cellular protection, and liver function during crucial metabolic biotransformation processes.* Learn more here

Xcellent A 3,000provides an excellent source of supplemental vitamin A. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin necessary for growth, bone development, vision, hormone receptor function, cellular health, immune function, and the integrity of epithelial and mucosal surfaces.* Learn more here


Contents (PM Pack):

Probiomax Daily: is a vegetarian, dairy- and gluten-free, four-strain probiotic totaling 30 billion CFU per capsule. Each vegetarian capsule is sealed in nitrogen-purged aluminum blister packs to serve as protection from factors proven to compromise stability of probiotics such as heat, moisture, and oxygen. ProbioMax Daily DF provides four researched strains of beneficial bacteria, including the extensively studied HN019® strain of Bifidobacterium lactis. These live microorganisms have proven health benefits and well-established safety, and have been tested for epithelial cell adhesion and/or resistance to low pH.*

To further support resistance to low pH and the delivery of microorganisms to the small intestines, XYMOGEN employs DRcaps™ gastro-resistant capsules. These specially designed, innovative capsules help slow exposure of actives to stomach acid  and ensure more targeted release.* Learn more here

Omega Pure 780: see above. 

XenoProtX: see above. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.